Driving on Ice

Driving on Ice

In many parts of the country, this has been a brutal winter… Even in our part of the world, we have been putting up with more cold then we are accustomed to. So, if you happen to find yourself driving on ice, what do you have to do to stay on the road?  Well, if...
Remembering Robin Williams.

Remembering Robin Williams.

I know it’s been a few weeks, but I am just now taking the time to share thoughts about Robin Williams.  It is challenging for me as for anyone, to think of what to say, or how to honor him and at the same time, trying to learn something from this terrible tragedy....

Letting Go.

Do you remember that joke on the internet?  There’s a video of a man sitting at his computer, eyes bloodshot, looking frazzled, hair a mess, and finally a message comes booming out…” You have reached the end of the internet!”….  and the...