by contentfreshadmin | Feb 2, 2019 | Anxiety, Coping with Life's Stresses, Marriage, Relationships, Take in The Good
Today, I woke up and thought, I didn’t get enough sleep. I got ready for the day, made breakfast, and ran out the door thinking, I don’t have enough time to get to work by 8:00am. Once I got to the office, I glanced at my schedule for the day and thought; I don’t have...
by contentfreshadmin | May 31, 2016 | Anxiety, Relationships
One afternoon in Dublin, I found myself running through the airport, convinced I was about to miss a flight for the first time in my life. My anxiety surged at the sight of a long security line, but luckily an airport official ushered me to the front. I didn’t care...
by contentfreshadmin | May 13, 2016 | Anxiety, Coping with Life's Stresses, Stuck Spots
~ by Terri Mudge ~ Learning to Let Go of the Thoughts that Torture Us Our brains are amazing. All day long we can be thinking, planning, evaluating, wishing, wondering, working, trying, and noticing. All this activity going on in our heads, invisible to others, can be...
by contentfreshadmin | Apr 10, 2016 | Acceptance, Anxiety, Letting Go, Love, Marriage
Let’s say there’s going to be a party. Expectation A: You’ve been looking forward to it for weeks, building it up to epic proportions in your mind. All of your friends are going to be there, you’ll get to wear that new outfit, and it’s at that new, trendy place in...
by contentfreshadmin | Apr 6, 2016 | Anxiety, Coping with Life's Stresses, Meditation, Mindfulness, Zen Habits
By Leo Babauta There isn’t a working person among us who doesn’t deal with stress — whether you’re an entrepreneur, a freelancer, working for a struggling startup, or clocking in working for a company, work stress is inevitable. But where does this stress originate,...
by contentfreshadmin | Mar 18, 2016 | Anxiety, Gratitude, Happiness, Inner Peace, Peace
By Terri Mudge Nature is Captivating! I have been captivated by the power of nature! When I stumbled on some research that proved its power in restoring our wellbeing, I paid attention. Here’s what I found. Studies at a hospital in Pennsylvania from 1972-81 generated...