Are You Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed?

Are You Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed?

It seems that I have too many days that I feel this sense of being overwhelmed, that I have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. Leo gives some practical advice, even though it is also counter-intuitive. He suggests that we need to slow down, be...
What’s the Most Loving Thing You Can Do?

What’s the Most Loving Thing You Can Do?

“What’s the most loving thing you can do?” What an amazing question! Leo Babauta discusses this in his article titled “What’s the Most Loving Thing You Can Do?” Babauta offers some highlights about how this could benefit you and mostly the people...
Fear Is Why We Have Too Much Stuff

Fear Is Why We Have Too Much Stuff

By Leo Babauta While we might want to get out from under the mountain of possessions we have, and have all the best intentions of simplifying our lives … the truth is that we continue to have too much stuff. Part of that is laziness, an attitude of “I’ll get to it...
Fear Is Why We Have Too Much Stuff

All You Need, You Already Have

By Leo Babauta There is a famous stone water basin (or “tsukubai”) outside of the even more famous Ryoan-ji Temple in Kyoto, with four characters that read: “ware tada shiru taru.” This is a Zen saying that can be translated in a number of ways, all to do with...