by contentfreshadmin | Feb 1, 2019 | Inner Peace, Love, Take in The Good
When we choose to love, we have to set aside the busy-ness in our lives and choose people. I challenge you to create a shared ritual in your own life, if not daily, then at least weekly? Think how it would feel to provide the powerful comfort of your attention to...
by contentfreshadmin | Feb 14, 2017 | Coping with Life's Stresses, Habits, Inner Peace
There are hundreds of ways to accomplish stress reduction. Why am I focusing on only 5? Because it doesn’t help to give you 100! That stresses me out just thinking about it. Here are my favorite five stress reducers: Watch your physical and mental intake. What are you...
by contentfreshadmin | Mar 18, 2016 | Anxiety, Gratitude, Happiness, Inner Peace, Peace
By Terri Mudge Nature is Captivating! I have been captivated by the power of nature! When I stumbled on some research that proved its power in restoring our wellbeing, I paid attention. Here’s what I found. Studies at a hospital in Pennsylvania from 1972-81 generated...
by contentfreshadmin | Mar 18, 2016 | Anxiety, Inner Peace, Zen Habits
By Leo Babauta There isn’t a person amongst us who doesn’t have insecurities — some are just better at dealing with them, or perhaps hiding them. We worry what other people think about us, we worry if we’re good-looking enough, we worry that we’re not doing all that...
by contentfreshadmin | Mar 18, 2016 | Gratitude, Happiness, Inner Peace, Mindfulness
What do the Grand Canyon, Sistine Chapel, and gazing at distant stars all have in common? They can awaken a deep appreciation for the world around us and inspire a profound sense of awe. This sensation is often accompanied by an awareness of something larger...
by contentfreshadmin | Dec 19, 2015 | Inner Peace, Relationships
Do you, like me, ever get caught up in your mind, in righteous indignation, and harsh thoughts about being hurt by someone you love? I certainly have been there, and continue to go there at times, and then hopefully I find my way out, and get back to the other real...