Gratitude – Appreciation – Thankfulness
Today, I get to wake up late, go for a run, have a long leisurely breakfast, and then spend time with people I love.
The things I am grateful for: puppy dogs, a warm bed, people to love, kids, smiles, laughter, silly things to say and do, going for walks with friends or alone, reading a funny book, Nature – turtles, trees, butterflies….
So, just like Julie Andrews suggests… ‘these are a few of my favorite things.” And, if I take the time to acknowledge these, to be grateful for them instead of forgetting and just being aware of the things that annoy me, then life looks a lot brighter.
Have you heard about the 40 day Gratitude challenge? The idea is to take time to journal every day on 1 thing you are grateful for. I began this more than 40 days ago, and here’s what I found… almost every time I sat down to write about one thing, I found that I couldn’t stop writing. I was just amazed at how rich this was. Any topic, especially people, I would just begin to say one thing, “I am grateful for my kids”, and then I could write a page or more of things I appreciate in them.
So, I do encourage you to try this. You may be amazed at what you already have.
Doing my best to …. Live Life on Purpose…
Terri Mudge